intermittent lockup exiting kdm / gdm

Lee Harr missive at
Tue Apr 20 17:13:56 PDT 2004

I have a FreeBSD-stable system (P3, 1GHz, 500M, nVidia with "nv"
driver) which is a terminal server for 8 thin client systems which log in
via XDMCP. This system ran flawlessly for about 2 years.

Recently (near the kde-3.2 upgrade) I started getting a system lockup
when someone would log out of their KDE session. Even logging out of
one of the remote terminals would sometimes trigger the lockup.

Nothing shows up in the logs. I can ping the system, but ssh does not
respond. I end up toggling the power switch.

I switched from kdm to gdm hoping to avoid the problem, but today
(after ~2 weeks without a problem) I had the same situation. Someone
logged out, and the system froze.

I am not sure what to try next.

My thoughts are... roll back to the previous KDE version, roll back to
an earlier version of X, roll back to an earlier version of FreeBSD, or
stick it out and try to figure out what is causing the crash.

I would _like_ to do 4, but this is a very actively used system, and these
crashes are really annoying.

Right now I am looking through the kernel debugging section of the
developers handbook, but I am not even sure this is what I need.

Does this sound like a problem that could be diagnosed by hooking up
a serial console?

Any other hints on figuring this out this crazy crash?

Thanks for your time.

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