: Re: Using portsupgrade with make arguments

John Oxley oxo at rucus.ru.ac.za
Tue Apr 20 14:40:38 PDT 2004

I apologise that I have lost the In-Reply-To: Field, but here is my question.

 On Tue 2004-04-20 (21:23), dev at eth0.ch wrote:
> Hi all,
> just to get it clear for me: If I upgrade a port that has been
> originally
> installed with additional make arguments I must include them again. Is
> the
> following correct?
> Original installation:
> # make arg_1=val_1 arg_2=arg_2 install clean
> Upgrading port using portupgrade:
> # portupgrade -R -m "arg_1=val_1 arg_2=arg_2" port

 on this note, if I change /etc/make.conf to
 .if ${.CURDIR} == "/usr/ports/my/port"

 cd /usr/ports/my/port
 make install clean

 then later, I portupgrade that port, will portupgrade use the options from


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