Charles Swiger
cswiger at
Tue Apr 20 13:41:21 PDT 2004
On Apr 20, 2004, at 4:30 PM, Bart Silverstrim wrote:
> I am in the process of installing X with Gnome from /stand/sysinstall.
> Will the packages added through this be the same as those from ports,
> or is there a way to use ports (portupgrade) to update the packages?
The packages installed that way are the same as what you would get
building them via ports yourself, except that packages correspond to
the state of the ports tree back in time when the packages were
actually built.
> Do I have to do something to change the version used to the ports
> version if I want to keep up to date with portupgrade?
Nope. The ports system doesn't distinguish between installing via a
package or via a port, and can upgrade either one just as easily...
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