Filesystem size limit

Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. kdk at
Tue Apr 20 13:10:36 PDT 2004

hal wrote:

> A coworker is bumping up against the one terabyte
> file system size limit of Redhat Linux.  He needs
> more space.  Can FreeBSD help?  Where would I look
> for info?
> hal

This gets asked periodically, but AFAIK isn't
documented as a FAQ.  Furthermore, the best
I can suggest is that you try freebsd-fs list,

Several sources claim that there is a one
terabyte "soft" limit, but that with modifications
to the default setup you can quadruple that or
even more.

And, of course, now we have ufs2 ...

Personally, I hope to never have to back up
that much information [unless maybe I'm paid
by the byte?]  ;-)

Kevin Kinsey
DaleCo, S.P.

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