Help - where to report posting problem
Bill Moran
wmoran at
Tue Apr 20 04:30:01 PDT 2004
Stephen Liu wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> Tks for your response.
> A sample of the rejected emails is as follow;
> Your message
> To: freebsd-questions at
> Subject: Question on Anti-Virus Firewal
> Sent: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 20:59:15 +0800
> did not reach the following recipient(s):
> freebsd-question at on Sun, 18 Apr 2004
> 01:08:28 +0800
> The e-mail system was unable to deliver the
> message, but did not
> report a specific reason. Check the address and try
> again. If it still
> fails, contact your system administrator.
> <popimap02.icare.priv #4.0.0 smtp;450 Client host
> rejected: cannot
> find your hostname, []>
Here's your answer. This means that the SMTP server that you
use as a relay is poorly configured. There is a FAQ entry:
Looks like the 4th bullet point applies here. Whoever admins
that mail server needs to fix the config so it uses a real
host/domain name in the HELO command, not "popimap02.icare.priv"
> <<<<<<
> B.R.
> Stephen
> --- Bill Moran <wmoran at> wrote: >
> Stephen Liu wrote:
>>>Hi folks,
>>>I make this second subscription to this list
>>>seeking advice where to report problem.
>>>I am currently subscribing to
>>>freebsd-questions at
>>>with email address :- satimis at
>>>But I am only allowed to receive mails, posting
>>>not allowed. All emails posted were rejected.
>>>I made report on posting problem to
>>I hope you included a copy of the bounce message,
>>unlike this
>>>- freebsd-questions-owner at
>>>- mailman at
>>>- dhw at (postmaster)
>>>- jmb at (postmaster)
>>>all emails were either rejected or received no
>>>Kindly advise where can I seek assistance. TIA
>>Here, but include the bounce message or we don't
>>know what's wrong.
>>>Stephen Liu
>>>This problem has happened twice. Previously I
>>>encounterd the same problem. Finally it has to be
>>>fixed manually by the owner of this list.
Bill Moran
Potential Technologies
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