PPPoed crashed!!
Matthew Seaman
m.seaman at infracaninophile.co.uk
Mon Apr 19 01:50:10 PDT 2004
On Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 11:56:29AM +0545, Bikrant Neupane wrote:
> I'm running pppoed on freebsd-4.9. It is running smoothly. However it crashes
> sometime with a pppoed.core file dumpped at the root directory.
> gdb -c pppoed.core shows that it crashed with signal 11 segmentation fault.
> I'm running the package as it came with the os. I have not upgraded any thing
> except the kernel which I have customized for my needs.
> Is this a bug or am i missing some parameters in the kernel?
It's hard to say quite what the problem is with the small amount of
information you've included.
Certainly none of the software supplied with the OS should ever crash
with a segmentation violation, and it's definitely a bug if that
happens reproducibly.
On the other hand, segmentation faults are most commonly seen as a
symptom of faulty memory sticks. Crashes due to bad memory will
happen quite unpredictably, although they will tend to happen more
when the machine is under load and there's a lot of memory IO going
If the crash you're seeing happens repeatably and always occurs in the
same place, then it must be a programming error. In which case,
please report the problem using send-pr(1). Getting a backtrace from
gdb will be helpful -- as will keeping hold of the core file you have
to make available to a developer should one request it.
Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil. 26 The Paddocks
Savill Way
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614 Bucks., SL7 1TH UK
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