Installation on RAID 0 and uninstallation of Boot Mgr

Matthew Seaman m.seaman at
Sun Apr 18 03:09:59 PDT 2004

On Sun, Apr 18, 2004 at 03:48:44AM +0200, Henrik Zagerholm wrote:
> Hi all!
> Having problem with installing 5.2.1 on a computer with 2 SATA 80G disk 
> in RAID 0 (Striping)
> There is a WinXP installed already which has 4 primary partitions of 5, 
> 10, 25 and 60G.
> My BSD installation went like usuall. I chose to create a Slice on ar0 
> in the unpartitioned 50G space. Then I chose to install Boot Manager.  
> When commitin the changes a got error like "node for 'X' slices failed" 
> ,"mount /dev unavailable". I will give you the exact error messages if 
> you need them! Then I had to reboot my machine and I got very suprised 
> that  the boot manager was installed showing:
> F1 ???
> F2 ???
> F3 ???
> F4 ???
> Which probaly means my 4 NTFS partitions. XP boots if I choose F1.  So 
> my questions are:
> 1. How do I install BSD on my current RAID 0 system
> 2. How can I remove Bootmanager if I dont succeed with my BSD installation?

FreeBSD needs a primary slice to install into -- and you seem to have
used them all up already.  If you can rearange your disk layout to
move some of your XP partitions into extended slices, or even merge
some of the slices you should be able to free up a primary one and
install FreeBSD there.

Nb. contrary to some popular belief, FreeBSD can see and mount and
create file systems on extended slices just fine (ar0s5, ar0s6 etc.).
What it cannot do is *boot* from an extended slice.  And as the
tendency is to create all the FreeBSD partitions within the one slice,
this possibility is very rarely used.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
PGP:         Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614                                  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK
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