installed mysql/php/apache but there's no mysql.sock file
chip at
Sun Apr 18 03:01:13 PDT 2004
Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. wrote:
> Hi chip,
> Please wrap your characters at 80 columns
> of so for some of the people who use text
> based email. Thanks!
Sorry about that. My email client is set to wrap lines at 72 chars.
> Read on..
> mysql.sock is a UNIX socket, created by the mysql process
> itself. If it does not exist, then it's likely that either the
> mysql daemon is not running, or it is running without
> adequate permissions to create the socket.
> If the last is true, then it's possible that mysql is
> configured to make the socket somewhere other than
> /tmp, because the permissions for /tmp should be such
> as to allow the creation of the socket ....
The mysql daemon is started during boot up along with samba and apache.
There are no error messages, it appears to start fine.
> This is the same message you would receive if
> mysqld were not running. Have you tried this:
> % ps -auxv | grep mysql
Did that and got a response that mysqld is running. Then about 10
minutes later did it again and the server was not running. When I tried
this to start it manually I resulted in the unable to connect to socket
Now this is weird, just after I typed the above paragraph I opened
another term and ran the ps command.
I wish I could copy/paste from either eterm or aterm, but it doesn't
work. What's really weird is in aterm I do ps -aux | grep mysqld and it
returns nothing. In eterm I do the same command and it returns the pid
of the mysqd server meaning it is running.
So, it may be running, maybe not, either way, when I try to run mysql
from the command line I get the cannot connect to socket error every time.
The permissions on the /temp directory are 777 with the sticky bit set.
> Do any messages appear during the
> init phase of bootup re: mysql?
No messages about mysql in any startup logs or on the screen. It appears
to start normally.
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