How do I eliminate resolver delay??
peter lageotakes
plageotakes at
Fri Apr 16 12:20:47 PDT 2004
--- Jonathon McKitrick <jcm at> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2004 at 11:06:48AM -0700, peter
> lageotakes wrote:
> : FYI: If I remember correctly, running dhcpd
> : overwrites the resolve.conf.
> That's what caused my problem. I need a way to
> restore it when using the
> other network with assigned IPs.
> jm
> --
> My other computer is your Windows box.
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I dont believe that the dchpd is truely the cause of
the issue, with respect to the overwriting of
resolv.conf. As you plug into a new network, the
resolve.conf file should be updated correctly. I
believe that it is the defaultrouter entry in the
rc.conf file that is causing the issue with your DNS.
Additonal thoughts and suggest (corrections) welcomed.
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