What happened after gnome upgrade??

Remko Lodder remko at elvandar.org
Fri Apr 16 05:59:47 PDT 2004

> Thanks Mark - but I did run the gnome-upgrade.sh script provided off
> their site.  It left a temp log file, which got erased when I rebooted.
> I'm wondering if I should try and run it again, and keep all the debug
> info this time?  Maybe that would help me debug this problem...
> Has anyone else had this sort of...weird...glitch?
> Ralph

I had also troubles upgrading gnome using the script. With me the 
/var/tmp files where saved (Why? dunno). It showed me what ports whacked 
the installation (wait 8 hours to see them, then wait another 8 to 
recompile everything again).

I updated the offending ports manually with portupgrade, and deinstalled 
kopete which gave headache (2 times).

After that, the install went smooth, took about 24 hours to run all the 
updates, manual portupgrade's remove the offending one, and startup 
gnome again.



Kind regards,

Remko Lodder
www.mostly-harmless.nl A Dutch community for helping newcomers on the 

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