ssh root denied

Remko Lodder remko at
Tue Apr 13 13:57:26 PDT 2004

> 	But, what should be te correct approach when you want to copy
> root's files and/or remote execute programs as root with scripts using
> scp/ssh and key authentication?
> 	Like:
> 	scp master.passwd host2:/etc/
> 	or
> 	ssh host2 'pwd_mkdb -p /etc/master.passwd'

Tar them, chown the user logtransfer,
use logtransfer user to transer files.

never ever use root for that it's highly insecure ( imho even with key 
auth ).

"remote execute programs" why? cant you locally run them and fetch them 
with a dedicated lowerlevel account?

Root is almighty, use it with precaution, locally , or with su -,sudo.

Use it remote, get whacked, everything breaks, too bad.

My approach in a "hard" way :-)


> - Marcelo


Kind regards,

Remko Lodder A Dutch community for helping newcomers on the 

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