Portsdb error
Ralph M. Los
Ralph at boundariez.com
Sun Apr 11 06:56:21 PDT 2004
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael A. Alestock [mailto:michaela at maa-net.net]
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2004 7:34 AM
To: questions at freebsd.org
Subject: Portsdb error
I use the PORTSDB (-Uu) command as part of upgrading my ports collection. However, while trying to run this command today I got the following error.....
bsd# portsdb -Uu
/usr/local/sbin/portsdb:35:in `require': No such file to load -- pkgtools (LoadError)
from /usr/local/sbin/portsdb:35
I've NEVER had this kind of error before with Portsdb. I even doublechecked to make sure the binary was installed....
bsd# whereis portsdb
portsdb: /usr/local/sbin/portsdb /usr/local/man/man1/portsdb.1.gz bsd#
Any clue to what's going on here??
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>From /usr/ports/UPDATING:
AFFECTS: i386 users of ruby and portupgrade
Change the default version of ruby to 1.8 for i386.
If you are a ruby developer and want to keep ruby 1.6 as default,
please add RUBY_DEFAULT_VER=1.6 to /etc/make.conf.
Otherwise, please run the following series of commands to migrate to
ruby 1.8:
1) Reinstall portupgrade manually (and as a result ruby 1.8 will be
pkg_delete portupgrade-\*
(cd /usr/ports/sysutils/portupgrade; make install clean)
2) Reinstall everything that depends on ruby 1.6 to use ruby 1.8
portupgrade -fr lang/ruby16
3) Reinstall ruby 1.8 (because the previous step kills symlinks):
portupgrade -f lang/ruby18
4) Deinstall ruby 1.6 stuff (if you are paranoia):
pkg_deinstall -ri lang/ruby16
5) If the above commands do now work somehow and portupgrade starts
causing LoadError, please reinstall portupgrade manually again.
Whenever you get confused, you can always deinstall portupgrade
and all the ruby stuff (run "pkg_delete -r ruby-\*") and
reinstall portupgrade as a last resort.
...and yes, it worked like a charm just now for me.
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