Portupgrade problem

Martin Hudec corwin at aeternal.net
Fri Apr 9 12:23:58 PDT 2004

Hi Andreas,

	don't you really have atk in /usr/ports/accessibility/atk directory?
Perhaps look into ports-supfile.. do you have there ports-all enabled?



On Fri, Apr 09, 2004 at 08:55:04PM +0200 or thereabouts, Andreas Davour wrote:
> And it is correct in that there *is* no accessibility/atk port in my new
> cvsup'ed ports tree. But why is it then telling me it needs it!?
> Can I get the atk ports from somewhere? Is it really needed? Why has it
> dissapeared and why is it still mentioned as a dependency then?

:. kind regards
:..		Martin Hudec
:.:	:m: +421.907.303393
:.:	:@: corwin at aeternal.net
:.:	:w: http://www.aeternal.net

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