MySQL installation troubles ...

Demian L'Ecuyer dl at
Wed Apr 7 22:23:55 PDT 2004

Mazen S. Alzogbi wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to install MySQL server & client from the packages 
> collection with no success. Being a FreeBSD newbie I will need your 
> help. Please check the following:
> mazenbsd# pkg_add -r mysql-server
> Fetching 
>                         l-server.tgz... Done.
> Fetching 
>                         mysql-2.1026_1.tgz... Done.
> pkg_add: could not find package mysql-client-4.0.15 !
> pkg_add: pkg_add of dependency 'p5-DBD-mysql-2.1026_1' failed!
> Fetching 
>                         lient-4.1.0.tgz... Done.
> What I understood is p5-DBD-mysql-2.1026_1.tgz package depends on the 
> mysql-client-4.0.15 package which cannot be found (how? why?) and 
> instead the mysql-client-4.1.0.tgz package was installed. All in all 
> the server installation failed.
> What should I do to fix this?
> Cheers,

Hello Mazen,

I'm not going to cover whats wrong with pkg_add -r because I don't know 
.. however, there are a couple of other ways to install MySQL. You could 
use the ports, build from source, or use binaries.  In my opinion, the 
quickest way to get things up and running is using the binaries.

First, go here:
Second, download the first file from the FreeBSD downloads section ( 
Standard 4.0.18 9.4M )
Third, in the directory where you downloaded the file run this command, 
tar zxvf  mysql-standard-4.0.18-unknown-freebsd4.7-i386.tar.gz
Fourth, cd into the newly created directory and read the INSTALL-BINARY 
text file, that should give you what you need.

Hope this helps,

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