Mozilla -- No running window.
Malcolm Kay
malcolm.kay at
Mon Apr 5 05:20:37 PDT 2004
On Monday 05 April 2004 21:07, Matthew Seaman wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 05, 2004 at 08:29:55PM +0930, Malcolm Kay wrote:
> > I installed mozilla-gtk2-1.4 from the packages on the
> > distribution disk. This appeared to proceed OK. But when I attempt
> > to run mozilla from an xterm:
> > QuoVadis:> mozilla
> > I get the message:
> > No running window.
> > and mozilla appears to do nothing further.
> The 'No running window' message is entirely normal -- all that means
> is that Mozilla has checked to make sure there isn't another instance
> of itself already running in your session. If there was, it would
> simply make that instance open a new window on any URL you gave it on
> the command line.
Understood (now). For somwone new to the application it is somewhat cryptic.
> The next part -- no Mozilla window appearing -- is definitely
> incorrect behaviour. You will need to wait for a while for Mozilla to
> get itself sorted out if this is the first time you've ever run it,
> but no longer than five minutes maximum.
Five minutes is a very long time in the computer world; at least for program
I was probably too impatient. I'll do a clean up and try again tomorrow --
the machine in question is at work while I'm addressing these questions from
Thanks -- I'll let you know when it works -- thanks again.
Malcolm Kay
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