hardware IBM xseries 335

=?big5?q?frank=20cheong?= chocobofrank at yahoo.com.hk
Sun Apr 4 22:08:11 PDT 2004

First of all you can check out
to obtain the list of hardward support.

Secondly, there are a lot of thread about the driver
not available or have problem for FreeBSD 5.2.1 with
IBM x345 where it is using serveRAID 6i and still
encountering problem (thats me). FYI FreeBSD 5 have no
problem recognizing LSI adaptor but not serveRAID as
IBM/Adaptec (don't know who) have changed the device
and vendor ID and thus FreeBSD cannot correctly
recognize these hardwares.

In addition, only FreeBSD 5 offer IPS driver.


 --- stepan <sbakalyas at yandex.ru> ªº¶l¥ó¤º®e¡G> Hello
> Anyone use IBM xseries 335 server?
> What can you tell concerning compatibility of the
> following equipment
> with freebsd: Broadcom 5703;  SCSI-LSI53C1020
> Ultra320 SCSI controller.
> (We use Freebsd-4.7)
>  stepan                         
> mailto:sbakalyas at yandex.ru
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