Odd cvsup behaviour
Dwayne MacKinnon
dmk at ncf.ca
Sun Apr 4 14:06:29 PDT 2004
Hi all,
Lately, when I cvsup my ports tree, using ports-all, I've noticed something
rather odd. The editors/AbiWord2 port always gets completely deleted. Always.
If I cvsup again immediately after completion, the editors/AbiWord2 port
always gets completely checked out again. Any idea why this would be
I noticed the behaviour because when I would portsdb -Uu after the cvsup, the
index would always break. So these days I cvsup -L2 ports-supfile (which uses
ports-all) immediately followed by cvsup -L2 editors-supfile (which I've
edited to only use ports-editors, for speed's sake.) After that, portsdb -Uu
works like a charm.
I've attached the output from cvsup in case anyone's interested. I'm using
cvsup12, since I'm sure that'd be one of the first questions. :) Regrettably,
I managed to lose the output from the second cvsup but trust me, it's always
just the AbiWord2 port getting checked out again.
I can't afford to make exceptions. I mean, once word leaks out that a pirate
has gone soft, people begin to disobey you and then it's nothing but work,
work, work all the time. -The Dread Pirate Roberts, from The Princess Bride
-------------- next part --------------
-su-2.05b# cvsup -L2 ports-supfile; cvsup -L2 editors-supfile; portsdb -Uu
Parsing supfile "ports-supfile"
Connecting to cvsup12.FreeBSD.org
Connected to cvsup12.FreeBSD.org
Server software version: SNAP_16_1g
Negotiating file attribute support
Exchanging collection information
Establishing multiplexed-mode data connection
Updating collection ports-all/cvs
Edit ports/CHANGES
Add delta 1.12 2004. glewis
Edit ports/INDEX
Add delta 1.385 2004. kris
Edit ports/LEGAL
Add delta 1.344 2004. thierry
Edit ports/Mk/bsd.java.mk
Add delta 1.39 2004. glewis
Edit ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk
Add delta 1.486 2004. kris
Edit ports/Mk/bsd.sites.mk
Add delta 1.232 2004. dougb
Edit ports/audio/libtremor/Makefile
Add delta 1.2 2004. ade
Edit ports/audio/mpio-driver/Makefile
Add delta 1.2 2004. kris
Edit ports/audio/xmms-kde/Makefile
Add delta 1.13 2004. pav
Add delta 1.14 2004. pav
Edit ports/cad/xcircuit/Makefile
Add delta 1.47 2004. krion
Edit ports/cad/xcircuit/distinfo
Add delta 1.35 2004. krion
Edit ports/cad/xcircuit/files/patch-Makefile.in
Add delta 1.3 2004. krion
Edit ports/cad/xcircuit/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.16 2004. krion
Edit ports/databases/Makefile
Add delta 1.326 2004. erwin
Edit ports/databases/dbf/files/patch-dbf.c
Add delta 1.2 2004. krion
Edit ports/databases/memcached/Makefile
Add delta 1.9 2004. ade
Checkout ports/databases/p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-RetrieveAll/Makefile
Checkout ports/databases/p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-RetrieveAll/distinfo
Checkout ports/databases/p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-Re t (o c v s u p 1 2 . F ¼r :e e B úS D . (o úr g ( ú | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p C o n n (e c t e (d t o ( c v s u p 1 2 . F r ¼e :e B S úD . o (r úg ( ú | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p S e r v (e r s (o f t w (a r e v e r s i o n ¼: : S N úA P _ (1 ú6 _ 1 (g ú | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p N e g o (t i a t (i n g (f i l e a t t r i b ¼u :t e ús u p (p úo r t ( ú | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p E x c h (a n g i (n g c (o l l e c t i o n i ¼n :f o r úm a t (i úo n ( ú | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p E s t a (b l i s (h i n g ( m u l t i p l e x e ¼d :- m o úd e (d úa t a ( úc o n n e c t i o n | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p R u n n (i n g ( ( ¼ : ú ( ú ( ú | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p U p d a (t i n g ( c o l (l e c t i o n p o r ¼t :s - a úl l / (c úv s ( ú | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p E d i (t p o (r t s / (C H A N G E S ¼ : ú ( ú ( ú | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p A d (d d e (l t a (1 . 1 2 2 0 0 4 . 0 ¼4 :. 0 3 ú. 1 6 (. ú2 8 . (3 ú3 g l e w i s | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p E d i (t p o (r t s / (I N D E X ¼ : ú ( ú ( ú | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p A d (d d e (l t a (1 . 3 8 5 2 0 0 4 . ¼0 :4 . 0 ú3 . 1 (2 ú. 2 6 (. ú4 0 k r i s | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p E d i (t p o (r t s / (L E G A L ¼ : ú ( ú ( ú | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p A d (d d e (l t a (1 . 3 4 4 2 0 0 4 . ¼0 :4 . 0 ú4 . 1 (5 ú. 0 9 (. ú1 7 t h i e r r y | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p E d i (t p o (r t s / (M k / b s d . j a v a ¼. :m k ú ( ú ( ú | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p A d (d d e (l t a (1 . 3 9 2 0 0 4 . 0 ¼4 :. 0 3 ú. 0 3 (. ú3 7 . (0 ú5 g l e w i s | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p E d i (t p o (r t s / (M k / b s d . p o r t ¼. :m k ú ( ú ( ú | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p A d (d d e (l t a (1 . 4 8 6 2 0 0 4 . ¼0 :4 . 0 ú3 . 2 (3 ú. 5 9 (. ú5 0 k r i s | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p E d i (t p o (r t s / (M k / b s d . s i t e ¼s :. m k ú ( ú ( ú | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p A d (d d e (l t a (1 . 2 3 2 2 0 0 4 . ¼0 :4 . 0 ú4 . 0 (6 ú. 1 1 (. ú0 4 d o u g b | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p i ( ( ( ¼ : ú ( ú ( ú | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p ( ( ( ¼ : ú ( ú ( ú | 1 b f 1 / 0 8 p ewisÁ5 it ports/java/java3d/Makefile
Add delta 1.4 2004. glewis
Edit ports/java/jde/Makefile
Add delta 1.7 2004. linimon
Edit ports/java/jde/distinfo
Add delta 1.4 2004. linimon
Edit ports/java/jde/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.4 2004. linimon
Edit ports/lang/gambas/Makefile
Add delta 1.2 2004. thierry
Edit ports/lang/gambas/distinfo
Add delta 1.2 2004. thierry
Checkout ports/lang/gambas/files/patch-examples::Database::DataReportExample::Fconn.class
Checkout ports/lang/gambas/files/patch-examples::Database::DataReportExample::Fmain.class
Edit ports/lang/gambas/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.2 2004. thierry
Edit ports/lang/gforth/Makefile
Add delta 1.17 2004. kris
Edit ports/lang/gfortran/Makefile
Add delta 1.10 2004. kris
Edit ports/lang/ohugs/Makefile
Add delta 1.6 2004. kris
Edit ports/lang/ruby16_static/Makefile
Add delta 1.35 2004. kris
Edit ports/mail/Makefile
Add delta 1.507 2004. mat
Edit ports/mail/bincimap/Makefile
Add delta 1.6 2004. sergei
Edit ports/mail/bincimap/distinfo
Add delta 1.6 2004. sergei
Edit ports/mail/bincimap/files/patch-Makefile.in
Add delta 1.3 2004. sergei
Edit ports/mail/courier/Makefile
Add delta 1.27 2004. pav
Edit ports/mail/courier/Makefile.man
Add delta 1.7 2004. pav
Edit ports/mail/courier/distinfo
Add delta 1.13 2004. pav
Delete ports/mail/courier/files/patch-configure
Edit ports/mail/courier/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.11 2004. pav
Delete ports/mail/courier/scripts/configure.courier
Edit ports/mail/courier-imap/distinfo
Add delta 1.33 2004. oliver
Edit ports/mail/cyrus-imapd/Makefile
Add delta 1.75 2004. ume
Checkout ports/mail/cyrus-imapd/files/patch-Makefile.in
Edit ports/mail/cyrus-imapd/files/patch-aa
Add delta 1.4 2004. ume
Delete ports/mail/cyrus-imapd/files/patch-ab
Edit ports/mail/cyrus-imapd/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.18 2004. ume
Edit ports/mail/cyrus-imapd2/Makefile
Add delta 1.102 2004. ume
Checkout ports/mail/cyrus-imapd2/files/patch-Makefile.in
Edit ports/mail/cyrus-imapd2/files/patch-aa
Add delta 1.4 2004. ume
Delete ports/mail/cyrus-imapd2/files/patch-ab
Edit ports/mail/cyrus-imapd2/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.22 2004. ume
Edit ports/mail/cyrus-imapd22/Makefile
Add delta 1.108 2004. ume
Add delta 1.109 2004. ume
Edit ports/mail/cyrus-imapd22/files/patch-Makefile.in
Add delta 1.2 2004. ume
Edit ports/mail/cyrus-imapd22/files/patch-aa
Add delta 1.6 2004. ume
Delete ports/mail/cyrus-imapd22/files/patch-ab
Edit ports/mail/cyrus-imapd22/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.26 2004. ume
Edit ports/mail/dcc-dccd/Makefile
Add delta 1.9 2004. pav
Edit ports/mail/dcc-dccd/distinfo
Add delta 1.5 2004. pav
Edit ports/mail/dcc-dccd/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.5 2004. pav
Edit ports/mail/msmtp/Makefile
Add delta 1.4 2004. pav
Edit ports/mail/msmtp/distinfo
Add delta 1.4 2004. pav
Delete ports/mail/msmtp/files/patch-aa
Edit ports/mail/msmtp/pkg-descr
Add delta 1.2 2004. pav
Edit ports/mail/mulberry/Makefile
Add delta 1.9 2004. pav
Edit ports/mail/mulberry/distinfo
Add delta 1.6 2004. pav
Edit ports/mail/p3scan/Makefile
Add delta 1.5 2004. edwin
Checkout ports/mail/p5-Mail-DeliveryStatus-BounceParser/Makefile
Checkout ports/mail/p5-Mail-DeliveryStatus-BounceParser/distinfo
Checkout ports/mail/p5-Mail-DeliveryStatus-BounceParser/pkg-descr
Checkout ports/mail/p5-Mail-DeliveryStatus-BounceParser/pkg-plist
Edit ports/mail/spambnc/Makefile
Add delta 1.36 2004. kris
Add delta 1.37 2004. thierry
Edit ports/mail/spambnc/distinfo
Add delta 1.31 2004. thierry
Edit ports/mail/spamd/Makefile
Add delta 1.4 2004. mlaier
Edit ports/mail/spamd/distinfo
Add delta 1.3 2004. mlaier
Delete ports/mail/spamd/files/local-patch.sed
Edit ports/mail/spamd/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.2 2004. mlaier
Edit ports/math/atlas-devel/distinfo
Add delta 1.6 2004. maho
Edit ports/misc/gretl/Makefile
Add delta 1.32 2004. krion
Edit ports/misc/gretl/distinfo
Add delta 1.18 2004. krion
Edit ports/misc/gretl/files/patch-gui2::Makefile.in
Add delta 1.5 2004. krion
Edit ports/misc/gretl/files/patch-lib::Makefile.in
Add delta 1.14 2004. krion
Edit ports/misc/gretl/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.17 2004. krion
Edit ports/misc/porteasy/Makefile
Add delta 1.35 2004. des
Edit ports/misc/porteasy/src/porteasy.8
Add delta 1.14 2004. des
Edit ports/misc/porteasy/src/porteasy.pl
Add delta 1.40 2004. des
Edit ports/misc/skyutils/Makefile
Add delta 1.2 2004. ade
Edit ports/multimedia/mplayer/Makefile
Add delta 1.90 2004. pav
Edit ports/multimedia/vcdimager/Makefile
Add delta 1.13 2004. arved
Edit ports/multimedia/vcdimager/distinfo
Add delta 1.5 2004. arved
Edit ports/multimedia/vcdimager/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.6 2004. arved
Edit ports/net/Makefile
Add delta 1.1256 2004. krion
Edit ports/net/happystats/Makefile
Add delta 1.3 2004. kris
Edit ports/net/ossp-sa/Makefile
Add delta 1.12 2004. pav
Edit ports/net/ossp-sa/distinfo
Add delta 1.3 2004. pav
Edit ports/net/ossp-sa/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.3 2004. pav
Checkout ports/net/pbnc/Makefile
Checkout ports/net/pbnc/distinfo
Checkout ports/net/pbnc/pkg-descr
Edit ports/net/pen/Makefile
Add delta 1.19 2004. clement
Edit ports/net/pen/distinfo
Add delta 1.14 2004. clement
Edit ports/net/simicq/Makefile
Add delta 1.16 2004. markus
Edit ports/net/simicq/distinfo
Add delta 1.10 2004. markus
Checkout ports/net/simicq/files/patch-weather.cpp
Edit ports/net/simicq/pkg-descr
Add delta 1.6 2004. markus
Edit ports/net/simicq/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.9 2004. markus
Edit ports/net/socks5/Makefile
Add delta 1.43 2004. krion
Checkout ports/net/socks5/files/socks5.sh.sample
Edit ports/net/socks5/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.10 2004. krion
Edit ports/net/tcpdump/Makefile
Add delta 1.7 2004. bms
Delete ports/net/tcpdump/files/extra-patch-Makefile.in
Delete ports/net/tcpdump/files/extra-patch-cpack.c
Delete ports/net/tcpdump/files/extra-patch-cpack.h
Edit ports/net/tcpdump/files/extra-patch-extract.h
Add delta 1.3 2004. bms
Edit ports/net/tcpdump/files/extra-patch-ieee802_11_radio.h
Add delta 1.3 2004. bms
Edit ports/net/tcpdump/files/extra-patch-print-802_11.c
Add delta 1.3 2004. bms
Delete ports/net/tcpdump/files/extra-patch-tcpdump.c
Edit ports/net-mgmt/net-snmp/Makefile
Add delta 1.106 2004. kuriyama
Edit ports/net-mgmt/net-snmp/distinfo
Add delta 1.26 2004. kuriyama
Edit ports/net-mgmt/net-snmp/files/patch-Makefile.in
Add delta 1.3 2004. kuriyama
Delete ports/net-mgmt/net-snmp/files/patch-file.c
Checkout ports/net-mgmt/net-snmp/files/patch-freebsd.h
Edit ports/net-mgmt/net-snmp/files/patch-hr_system.c
Add delta 1.3 2004. kuriyama
Edit ports/net-mgmt/net-snmp/files/patch-local:snmpconf
Add delta 1.2 2004. kuriyama
Edit ports/net-mgmt/net-snmp/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.35 2004. kuriyama
Edit ports/net-mgmt/p0f/Makefile
Add delta 1.16 2004. pav
Checkout ports/net-mgmt/p0f/files/patch-mtu.h
Checkout ports/net-mgmt/p0f/files/patch-p0f.c
Edit ports/news/leafnode/Makefile
Add delta 1.49 2004. pav
Edit ports/news/leafnode/distinfo
Add delta 1.36 2004. pav
Edit ports/news/leafnode/files/pkg-message.in
Add delta 1.3 2004. pav
Edit ports/news/leafnode/pkg-install
Add delta 1.5 2004. pav
Edit ports/news/leafnode/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.18 2004. pav
Edit ports/palm/pose/Makefile
Add delta 1.13 2004. kris
Edit ports/palm/ppmtoTbmp/Makefile
Add delta 1.8 2004. dinoex
Add delta 1.9 2004. dinoex
Edit ports/print/xmltex/Makefile
Add delta 1.10 2004. kris
Edit ports/science/ovt/Makefile
Add delta 1.2 2004. thierry
Edit ports/security/amavisd-new/Makefile
Add delta 1.16 2004. leeym
Edit ports/security/amavisd-new/distinfo
Add delta 1.12 2004. leeym
Edit ports/security/amavisd-new/files/patch-amavisd
Add delta 1.5 2004. leeym
Edit ports/security/gsasl/Makefile
Add delta 1.10 2004. pav
Edit ports/security/gsasl/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.4 2004. pav
Edit ports/security/heimdal/Makefile
Add delta 1.62 2004. nectar
Edit ports/security/heimdal/distinfo
Add delta 1.23 2004. nectar
Delete ports/security/heimdal/files/patch-ftp-gssapi.c
Delete ports/security/heimdal/files/patch-verify_krb5_conf.c
Edit ports/security/heimdal/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.29 2004. nectar
Edit ports/security/nessus-plugins/Makefile
Add delta 1.43 2004. kris
Edit ports/security/nessus-plugins-devel/Makefile
Add delta 1.55 2004. kris
Edit ports/security/openssh-portable/Makefile
Add delta 1.89 2004. dinoex
Edit ports/security/p5-Digest/Makefile
Add delta 1.7 2004. skv
Edit ports/security/p5-Digest/distinfo
Add delta 1.5 2004. skv
Edit ports/security/p5-File-Scan/Makefile
Add delta 1.39 2004. krion
Edit ports/security/p5-File-Scan/distinfo
Add delta 1.36 2004. krion
Edit ports/security/vuxml/Makefile
Add delta 1.4 2004. nectar
Edit ports/security/vuxml/distinfo
Add delta 1.3 2004. nectar
Delete ports/security/vuxml/files/catalog.xml
Edit ports/security/vuxml/files/tidy.xsl
Add delta 1.2 2004. nectar
Delete ports/security/vuxml/files/vuxml.cat
Edit ports/security/vuxml/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.2 2004. nectar
Edit ports/security/vuxml/vuln.xml
Add delta 1.62 2004. nectar
Add delta 1.63 2004. nectar
Add delta 1.64 2004. nectar
Add delta 1.65 2004. nectar
Edit ports/sysutils/Makefile
Add delta 1.515 2004. arved
Edit ports/sysutils/cdbkup/Makefile
Add delta 1.2 2004. pav
Edit ports/sysutils/cdbkup/pkg-descr
Add delta 1.2 2004. pav
Edit ports/sysutils/kdirstat/Makefile
Add delta 1.5 2004. markus
Edit ports/sysutils/kdirstat/distinfo
Add delta 1.4 2004. markus
Edit ports/sysutils/kdirstat/pkg-descr
Add delta 1.2 2004. markus
Edit ports/sysutils/kdirstat/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.3 2004. markus
Checkout ports/sysutils/libcdio/Makefile
Checkout ports/sysutils/libcdio/distinfo
Checkout ports/sysutils/libcdio/pkg-descr
Checkout ports/sysutils/libcdio/pkg-plist
Edit ports/sysutils/webjob/Makefile
Add delta 1.4 2004. kris
Edit ports/textproc/Makefile
Add delta 1.672 2004. krion
Add delta 1.673 2004. krion
Add delta 1.674 2004. krion
Add delta 1.675 2004. linimon
Edit ports/textproc/dictfmt/Makefile
Add delta 1.9 2004. krion
Edit ports/textproc/dictfmt/distinfo
Add delta 1.7 2004. krion
Checkout ports/textproc/docbook-430/Makefile
Checkout ports/textproc/docbook-430/distinfo
Checkout ports/textproc/docbook-430/files/patch-catalog
Checkout ports/textproc/docbook-430/pkg-descr
Checkout ports/textproc/docbook-xml-430/Makefile
Checkout ports/textproc/docbook-xml-430/distinfo
Checkout ports/textproc/docbook-xml-430/pkg-descr
Edit ports/textproc/libxslt/Makefile
Add delta 1.59 2004. marcus
Edit ports/textproc/libxslt/distinfo
Add delta 1.43 2004. marcus
Edit ports/textproc/libxslt/files/patch-aa
Add delta 1.10 2004. marcus
Edit ports/textproc/libxslt/files/patch-python::tests::Makefile.in
Add delta 1.4 2004. marcus
Edit ports/textproc/nltk/Makefile
Add delta 1.5 2004. pav
Edit ports/textproc/nltk/distinfo
Add delta 1.4 2004. pav
Edit ports/textproc/nltk/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.3 2004. pav
Checkout ports/textproc/p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number/Makefile
Checkout ports/textproc/p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number/distinfo
Checkout ports/textproc/p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number/pkg-descr
Checkout ports/textproc/p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number/pkg-plist
Edit ports/textproc/p5-XML-Stream/Makefile
Add delta 1.12 2004. erwin
Edit ports/textproc/p5-XML-Stream/distinfo
Add delta 1.7 2004. erwin
Edit ports/textproc/srilm/Makefile
Add delta 1.2 2004. pav
Edit ports/textproc/srilm/distinfo
Add delta 1.2 2004. pav
Checkout ports/textproc/srilm/files/patch-Makefile.machine.freebsd
Delete ports/textproc/srilm/files/patch-Makefile.machine.i386
Delete ports/textproc/srilm/files/patch-bin-machine-type
Checkout ports/textproc/srilm/files/patch-compare-outputs
Edit ports/textproc/srilm/files/patch-go.run-test
Add delta 1.2 2004. pav
Delete ports/textproc/srilm/files/patch-lattice-src-Makefile
Delete ports/textproc/srilm/files/patch-lm-src-Makefile
Edit ports/textproc/srilm/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.2 2004. pav
Edit ports/textproc/word2x/Makefile
Add delta 1.18 2004. krion
Checkout ports/textproc/word2x/files/patch-Makefile.in
Delete ports/textproc/word2x/files/patch-aa
Delete ports/textproc/word2x/files/patch-ab
Delete ports/textproc/word2x/files/patch-ae
Delete ports/textproc/word2x/files/patch-af
Checkout ports/textproc/word2x/files/patch-col-align.cc
Checkout ports/textproc/word2x/files/patch-fifo.h
Checkout ports/textproc/word2x/files/patch-html-table.cc
Checkout ports/textproc/word2x/files/patch-latex-table.cc
Checkout ports/textproc/word2x/files/patch-map_chars.cc
Checkout ports/textproc/word2x/files/patch-reader.cc
Checkout ports/textproc/word2x/files/patch-reader.h
Checkout ports/textproc/word2x/files/patch-rtest2.cc
Checkout ports/textproc/word2x/files/patch-strip.cc
Checkout ports/textproc/word2x/files/patch-strip.h
Checkout ports/textproc/word2x/files/patch-tblock.cc
Checkout ports/textproc/word2x/files/patch-tblock.h
Checkout ports/textproc/word2x/files/patch-text-table.cc
Delete ports/textproc/word2x/pkg-plist
Edit ports/textproc/wv2/Makefile
Add delta 1.7 2004. lofi
Edit ports/textproc/xalan-j/Makefile
Add delta 1.14 2004. znerd
Edit ports/textproc/xalan-j/distinfo
Add delta 1.8 2004. znerd
Edit ports/textproc/xalan-j/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.8 2004. znerd
Edit ports/textproc/xml2rfc/Makefile
Add delta 1.5 2004. pav
Edit ports/textproc/xml2rfc/distinfo
Add delta 1.5 2004. pav
Edit ports/textproc/xmlto/Makefile
Add delta 1.8 2004. sergei
Edit ports/textproc/xmlto/distinfo
Add delta 1.6 2004. sergei
Checkout ports/textproc/xpp3/Makefile
Checkout ports/textproc/xpp3/distinfo
Checkout ports/textproc/xpp3/pkg-descr
Edit ports/www/Makefile
Add delta 1.844 2004. pav
Edit ports/www/apache13-modssl/Makefile
Add delta 1.146 2004. dinoex
Edit ports/www/axis/Makefile
Add delta 1.5 2004. glewis
Edit ports/www/drupal/Makefile
Add delta 1.4 2004. pav
Edit ports/www/drupal/distinfo
Add delta 1.3 2004. pav
Edit ports/www/drupal/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.2 2004. pav
Edit ports/www/dtse/Makefile
Add delta 1.2 2004. pav
Edit ports/www/jakarta-tomcat3/Makefile
Add delta 1.42 2004. znerd
Edit ports/www/jakarta-tomcat4/Makefile
Add delta 1.48 2004. znerd
Edit ports/www/jakarta-tomcat41/Makefile
Add delta 1.55 2004. znerd
Edit ports/www/jakarta-tomcat5/Makefile
Add delta 1.15 2004. pav
Add delta 1.16 2004. pav
Edit ports/www/mod_v2h/Makefile
Add delta 1.3 2004. kris
Edit ports/www/mozilla-devel/Makefile
Add delta 1.182 2004. kris
Add delta 1.183 2004. kris
Edit ports/www/p5-Apache-Filter/Makefile
Add delta 1.13 2004. skv
Edit ports/www/p5-Apache-Peek/Makefile
Add delta 1.9 2004. skv
Edit ports/www/p5-Bundle-Slash/Makefile
Add delta 1.11 2004. skv
Edit ports/www/p5-Flash-FLAP/Makefile
Add delta 1.3 2004. skv
Edit ports/www/p5-Flash-FLAP/distinfo
Add delta 1.4 2004. skv
Edit ports/www/p5-libapreq/Makefile
Add delta 1.18 2004. skv
Edit ports/www/screem/Makefile
Add delta 1.43 2004. krion
Edit ports/www/screem/distinfo
Add delta 1.15 2004. krion
Edit ports/www/screem/files/patch-ltmain.sh
Add delta 1.2 2004. krion
Edit ports/www/screem/files/patch-plugins::uploadWizard::Makefile.in
Add delta 1.4 2004. krion
Edit ports/www/screem/pkg-descr
Add delta 1.3 2004. krion
Edit ports/www/screem/pkg-plist
Add delta 1.16 2004. krion
Edit ports/www/snownews/Makefile
Add delta 1.8 2004. krion
Edit ports/www/snownews/distinfo
Add delta 1.6 2004. krion
Edit ports/www/snownews/files/patch-Makefile.inc
Add delta 1.4 2004. krion
Checkout ports/www/snownews/files/patch-doc::man::Makefile
Checkout ports/www/zope-coreblog/Makefile
Checkout ports/www/zope-coreblog/distinfo
Checkout ports/www/zope-coreblog/pkg-descr
Checkout ports/www/zope-coreblog/pkg-message
Edit ports/x11/9box/Makefile
Add delta 1.6 2004. thierry
Add delta 1.7 2004. krion
Edit ports/x11/9box/files/patch-src::Makefile
Add delta 1.2 2004. krion
Edit ports/x11-clocks/xalarm/Makefile
Add delta 1.13 2004. glewis
Checkout ports/x11-clocks/xalarm/files/patch-dates.c
Edit ports/x11-fonts/Makefile
Add delta 1.52 2004. thierry
Checkout ports/x11-fonts/gentium/Makefile
Checkout ports/x11-fonts/gentium/distinfo
Checkout ports/x11-fonts/gentium/files/fonts.dir
Checkout ports/x11-fonts/gentium/pkg-descr
Checkout ports/x11-fonts/gentium/pkg-message
Checkout ports/x11-fonts/gentium/pkg-plist
Edit ports/x11-toolkits/p5-Glade/Makefile
Add delta 1.16 2004. kris
Edit ports/x11-toolkits/tk84/Makefile
Add delta 1.78 2004. krion
Add delta 1.79 2004. dinoex
Shutting down connection to server
Finished successfully
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