some anomalies in my system?

paul beard paulbeard at
Thu Apr 1 09:38:39 PST 2004

On Mar 31, 2004, at 9:21 PM, Kris Kennaway wrote:

> OK, feel free to ignore my advice as you see fit.

Looking back through the thread, you asked if I had installed any 
non-ports software or some other variant of libtool: the answer was no. 
I didn't see any advice, so I took the initiative to find out what 
libtool might be doing. I did discover that there was a dependency on a 
deprecated version of libtool (1.3 where 1.5 seems to be the 
current/preferred version). And I was able to get around my problem by 
working from the distfiles and leaving out whatever the ports system 
was doing (that was where the inability to build shlibs was getting in 
the mix). As noted in my followup post to the list, once I installed 
from the {$PORTDIR}/work/<portname> directory, all went well and I have 
now resolved my problem.

Apologies if I offended. The insight on libtool is appreciated.

Paul Beard
paulbeard [at]

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