portsdb -Uu and new mirror
Brian Astill
bastill at adam.com.au
Thu Apr 1 05:16:09 PST 2004
My ISP now stores "all" the FBSD ports and sources
#portsdb -Uu
Updating the ports index ...make: don't know how to make
malformed entry: make: don't know how to make
make: don't know how to make
malformed entry: make: don't know how to make
and so on ad infinitum (well nearly :-) ) until:
failed to generate INDEX!
/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.6/portsdb.rb:210:in `update': index
generation error (PortsDB::IndexFileError)
from /usr/local/sbin/portsdb:154:in `main'
from /usr/local/sbin/portsdb:66:in `initialize'
from /usr/local/sbin/portsdb:66:in `new'
from /usr/local/sbin/portsdb:66:in `main'
from /usr/local/sbin/portsdb:205
OK, so I have rebuilt the ports index files by commenting out the
offending references to filearena in /etc/make.conf BUT I need to
uncomment them again to take advantage of my ISP's collection of
Is there a workaround that will save me commenting/uncommenting all the
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