HP Deskjet 5150

geek geek at netcabo.pt
Mon Oct 20 07:21:12 PDT 2003

I really need to know if my HP Deskjet 5150 works with freebsd, if not, i have to change it in 3 days, please help me!

I've configured cups like it said in www.freebsddiary.org, with a difference, i dont have a compatible browser to adminsistrate cups, so i do these to add my printer in the server:

/usr/sbin/lpadmin -p DeskJet -E -v usb:/dev/ulpt0 -m deskjet.ppd (is this correct?)

is this correct?! and when i access to CUPS with workstation i see the printer, but i can't print anything, neither from the server or from the workstation!!!

Please help me, urgent :(

PS: what the difference between deskjet.ppd and deskjet2.ppd

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