options PNPBIOS unrecognized in 5.1-RELEASE

Nick Tonkin nick at tonkinresolutions.com
Mon Nov 24 22:05:47 PST 2003

On Mon, 24 Nov 2003 15:07:55 -0500, fbsd_user <fbsd_user at a1poweruser.com> 

> I've found that FreeBSD so far has supported every odd sound card
> I've thrown its way.
> Even (especially!) those on-board sound things built into
> motherboards and laptops these days.  FreeBSD supports them all (and
> Windows usually doesn't without the special CD-Rom from the
> motherboard manufacturer.)
> Just add "device pcm" to the end of the kernel conf file, build a
> new kernel, and I'll bet almost any sound card will work on reboot.
> This question has been answered many times on this question list.
> You would have found your answer if you had searched the questions
> archive like you are supposed to do before posting here.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try it out. I searched plenty before 
posting -- I've been running FreeBSD since 2.4 so I am familiar with 
troubleshooting and problem solving with it. My message was primarily to 
point out what appears to be a failure in the documentation.

- nick
Nick Tonkin   {|8^)>

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