
alex at home alex at
Sat May 31 08:32:22 PDT 2003

i have tried to set up the Gnome Desktop Manager on my freshly installed
4.8-STABLE box, but some errors refuse to disappear:

error msg:
gdm_config_parse: Authdir /usr/X11R6/share/gnome/gdm is not owned by 
user nobody, group gdm. Aborting.

what i have already done:

#pkg_info -L gdm2-

added this line in the group file in /etc/

same for passwd in /etc/
gdm:*:11:11:Gnome Desktop Manager:/usr/X11R6/etc/gdm:/sbin/nologin

and set the entry in the /etc/ttys to 
/gdm	on

i couldn' manage to set the owner of the dir/files: (why?!)

drwxr-xr-x    3 root  gdm     512 May 29 18:47 gdm

gdm.conf in /usr/X11R6/etc/gdm/
-rw-r--r--   1 root  gdm    2628 May 31 10:20 gdm.conf

#chown gdm .keep_me
chown: gdm: illegal user name

what am i doing wrong?!

any help will be appreciated;-)
thanx in advance
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