Need guidance in choosing mail clients

Chris Pressey cpressey at
Thu May 29 17:36:48 PDT 2003

On Thu, 29 May 2003 10:36:34 +0200
Joachim Dagerot <freebsd at> wrote:

> I am using Evolution as it is now, I have never tried any other
> mailclients for X.
> I do miss an oportunity to choose sender each time I post a message,
> only way to solve that is to set up multiple accounts, and that
> certainly don't affect me.
> In Evolution it's basically only the "sort messages in thread" that's
> really useful.
> Based on the two criterias above (Possibility to have multiple sender
> addresses on one account, and messages sorted in threads) can you give
> me some hints on good software?

Have you looked at Sylpheed?
You can't have more than one address per account, but
- it is very easy to switch accounts during message composition
- it is very easy to create a new account based on the current one

Sorts messages by thread, date, sender, etc.
Very fast for a graphical MUA.


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