console fonts

P. U. Kruppa root at
Wed May 28 21:24:19 PDT 2003


Something (the last system update or me myself) has messed up my
console fonts.

These are the symptoms:
- pseudographic characters which are needed to display useful
  tools like /stand/sysinstall and the midnight-commander look
  awful. Strange symbols are displayed instead of neat lines.
- In vi and pine I can't use the arrow up and down keys anymore
- On the other hand on my tcshell german "umlauts" are displayed
  correctly, which could be a nice feature (if there were any
  unix commands with german umlauts :-) )
- on my gnome desktop everything is ok.

My LANG is set to de_DE.ISO8859-15 and I am running last week's
I tried to play around with vidcontrol and kbdcontrol but
couldn't work out a solution.

Any ideas?



|        Peter Ulrich Kruppa        |
|          -  Wuppertal -           |
|              Germany              |

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