how to remove dead process in the "exiting" state

Gary Jennejohn garyj at
Mon May 26 04:51:38 PDT 2003

"Ing. Matej Ondrusek" writes:
> Dean Strik wrote:
> > Not really an answer, but something you could try: a few weeks ago I
> > noticed that an XFree86 process in IE after a kill -9 on it could be
> > terminated by sending an additional kill -1 to it. Probably too specific
> > for this program though (and it was on 5.0-CURRENT actually).
> I have tried it but it didn't help. Here is the console output for more
> information:
> # /var/spool/lock: ps -ax | grep "26977"
> 26977  ??  IE     0:00.01 /usr/local/sbin/mgetty cuaa1
> # /var/spool/lock: kill -9 26977
> # /var/spool/lock: ps -ax | grep "26977"
> 26977  ??  IE     0:00.01 /usr/local/sbin/mgetty cuaa1
> # /var/spool/lock: kill -1 26977
> # /var/spool/lock: ps -ax | grep "26977"
> 26977  ??  IE     0:00.01 /usr/local/sbin/mgetty cuaa1
> Isn't it a kernel bug ? I thought that every process must be always
> removable at least with kill -9.

You have to be able to wake up the process in order to deliver the signal.
I speculate that the process is in a non-wakebale sleep, trying to flush
its clists.

What's on cuaa1?

Gary Jennejohn / garyj at gj at gj at

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