FreeBSD 5.0 on new laptop

Jim Mock mij at
Thu May 15 23:43:41 PDT 2003

On Thursday, May 15, 2003, at 02:36  PM, Jesse D. Guardiani wrote:
> Howdy list!
> I'm going to be installing 5.0 on my new (to me) IBM A30p thinkpad in 
> a few days (perhaps even over the weekend). I've heard that there have 
> been major improvements checked into CVS since 5.0-RELEASE, so what 
> would the list recommend I do?

Either use RELENG_5_0 (the 5.0 security branch) or wait for 5.1-RELEASE 
which isn't too far off.  Things tend to get kind of unstable around 
code freeze time (which just passed) because people rush to get things 
committed in time.

- jim

- jim mock  mij@{soupnazi|opendarwin}.org  jim@{bsdnews|FreeBSD}.org -
- editor in chief, BSD News: -

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