FreeBSD 4.8: afp3-fileserver (port 7000) showing up in 'netstat -a'

Albert Everett freebsd at
Thu May 15 10:23:23 PDT 2003

I have a FreeBSD 4.8 (release) system running the following software 
from the current ports tree:

- cyrus-sasl2
- cyrus-imapd2
- mailman
- apache13-modssl
- mod_php4
- squirrelmail
- portsentry
- apcupsd

I'm seeing the following line when I run 'netstat -a':

        tcp4       0      0  *.afs3-fileserver      *.*                  

In /etc/services, I see:

# grep afs3 /etc/services
afs3-fileserver 7000/tcp   #file server itself
afs3-fileserver 7000/udp   #file server itself
afs3-callback   7001/tcp   #callbacks to cache managers
afs3-callback   7001/udp   #callbacks to cache managers
afs3-prserver   7002/tcp   #users & groups database
afs3-prserver   7002/udp   #users & groups database
afs3-vlserver   7003/tcp   #volume location database
afs3-vlserver   7003/udp   #volume location database
afs3-kaserver   7004/tcp   #AFS/Kerberos authentication service
afs3-kaserver   7004/udp   #AFS/Kerberos authentication service
afs3-volser     7005/tcp   #volume management server
afs3-volser     7005/udp   #volume management server
afs3-errors     7006/tcp   #error interpretation service
afs3-errors     7006/udp   #error interpretation service
afs3-bos        7007/tcp   #basic overseer process
afs3-bos        7007/udp   #basic overseer process
afs3-update     7008/tcp   #server-to-server updater
afs3-update     7008/udp   #server-to-server updater
afs3-rmtsys     7009/tcp   #remote cache manager service
afs3-rmtsys     7009/udp   #remote cache manager service
afs3-resserver  7010/tcp   #MR-AFS residence server
afs3-resserver  7010/udp   #MR-AFS residence server
afs3-remio      7011/tcp   #MR-AFS remote IO server
afs3-remio      7011/udp   #MR-AFS remote IO server

QUESTIONS: What is this afs3-fileserver service? Should it be there 
because of the other software I'm running? Is it part of 4.8? I don't 
see anything related to it that I'm firing up on purpose.


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