Gary Jennejohn garyj at
Tue May 13 12:15:21 PDT 2003

Zhi Hao Simon Lai writes:
> Hello,
> I'm a newbie to FreeBSD and I'm currently trying to set up a my machine 
> as a gateway via an ADSL connection and two Realtek 10/100 ethernet 
> cards.
> I have installed a standard developers distribution of FreeBSD 
> 5.0-RELEASE. My kernel is a standard one.
> I tried to get my machine connected using ppp. However I get the 
> following errors:
> rusty# ppp
> Working in interactive mode
> Using interface: tun0
> ppp ON rusty> dial bigpond
> Warning: netgraph: Cannot load module
> Warning: ng_ether: Cannot load module
> Warning: ng_pppoe: Cannot load module
> Warning: ng_socket: Cannot load module
> Warning: Cannot create netgraph socket node: Operation not permitted
> ppp ON rusty> Warning: netgraph: Cannot load module
> Warning: ng_ether: Cannot load module
> Warning: ng_pppoe: Cannot load module
> Warning: ng_socket: Cannot load module
> Warning: Cannot create netgraph socket node: Operation not permitted
> Warning: deflink: Device (PPPoE:rl0:bigpond) must begin with a '/', a 
> '!' or contain at least one ':'

Looks like you need to make a new kernel with these options:
options         NETGRAPH
options         NETGRAPH_ETHER
options         NETGRAPH_PPP
options         NETGRAPH_PPPOE
options         NETGRAPH_SOCKET

which are what I used when I was still using pppoe.

Gary Jennejohn / garyj at gj at gj at

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