free FreeBSD

David Landgren david at
Tue May 6 05:55:55 PDT 2003

Ivan Ivanov wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry, if the question is not for this list, or if
> it is too naive, what
> I am looking for is a shared, public, free, or
> accessible FreeBSD over Internet, so I can connect to it,
> try out things, etc. Limited set of commands would
> be still ok.

I've tried this programme and am quite happy with it. I did encountera 
  fairly serious problem all the same: as it turned out they were 
running 4.6 on a DL-360 G2. When I went out and bought a DL-380 G3 and 
installed 4.7, the network card was not recognised.

I had to download and install 4.8-RC2 in a panic to get it up and 
running. I could have done without that kind of grief. I now see that 
they have upgraded to 4.8. And I quote:

"May 02, 2003
We have just upgraded both of our FreeBSD Test Drives to the latest 
release. FreeBSD 4.8 is now running on an AlphaStation XP1000 and a 
ProLiant DL360 G2. The XP1000 has a single EV67 processor and 2 GB of 
memory, while the ProLiant DL360 G2 has two 1.4 GHz Pentium III Xeon 
processors and 4 GB of memory. Try out the latest release of FreeBSD 
on our systems before you install it on yours!"

They say you're not allowed to run benchmarks, but I checked that I 
was alone on the machine and ran them anyway.


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