localhost name resolution problem

Ryan Merrick sandshrimp at attbi.com
Mon Mar 31 22:54:32 PST 2003

W. Sierke wrote:

>In the course of trying to resolve a problem with sendmail (refusing to
>deliver even local mail), I saw a note in the sendmail configuration docs
>which says "host localhost must resolve to". However, when I
>checked my system I instead found (details obscured):
># host localhost
>localhost.my.domain is a nickname for my.domain
>my.domain has address 202.x.x.x
>Someone suggested I check localhost.:
># host localhost.
>Host not found.
>I'm not (wasn't) running a nameserver, my host.conf contains the entries
>hosts and bind in that order, resolv.conf has a single, automatic (from
>nameserver entry which works, hostname is set to this_machine.my.domain.
>hosts contains
>::1 localhost.my.domain localhost
> localhost.my.domain localhost
> this_machine.my.domain this_machine
> another_machine.my.domain another_machine

Your #/etc/hosts file should read for IPv4 localhost    localhost.Your_local_domain.com localhost

There should be another line in #/etc/hosts your host    My_host.Your_local_domain.com My_host

You can add as many lines as you want. with IP address, hostname, nickname.



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