Hell of a time

John McClure chromodromic at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 31 13:30:05 PST 2003

Somebody pleeeaaasse help.

I've been trying to install 5.0-RELEASE on an old Dell
600MHz P3. Sysinstall works fine, no issues there. No
issues at all until I get the final "do-or-die"
message and then whammo! There's a problem with

Also, the root partition takes a very large amount of
space. I've read the handbook, and also "Absolute BSD"
and they both indicate that the root partition should
take around 128MB of space. But my install won't take
that at all. I'm choosing to install "All", source,
executables, the whole shebang. But still, it doesn't
seem that the 1G of space I'm allocating jives at all
with the stated 128MB requirement? What's up with

Once the install completes -- it makes it past the
/mnt/usr problem, at least initially -- the reboot
indicates that I need to do a manual fsck, which, if I
wasn't comfortable with Unix I'd be extremely offended

So ... Any suggestions? My system is pretty vanilla,
no unusual hardware, just a stock Dell system from
three years ago, although it's got a DVD and CD/RW.
Anyone please help.


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