
Matthew Emmerton matt at gabby.gsicomp.on.ca
Sun Mar 30 09:55:33 PST 2003

On Fri, 28 Mar 2003, Mike Meyer wrote:

> In <OE40JUSpDcsE7rxd4B30000b85a at hotmail.com>, Brian Henning <b1henning at hotmail.com> typed:
> > is there a port for db2 for freebsd?
> "make search key=db2" in /usr/ports turns up:
> Port:   db-2.7.7_1
> Path:   /usr/ports/databases/db2
> Info:   The Berkeley DB package, revision 2

I think the poster was asking about IBM DB2, adn the answer is no.

Last time I asked (and I work for IBM), the price was USD$250,000 to get
them to _think_ about making a port, and then they'd have to get people to
actually buy it.

FreeBSD 5.0 satisfies a lot of the pre-requisites for the most
recent DB2 implementation, so the landscape may be shaping up for this to
become a reality in the future.

Any interested parties should contact me directly.

Matt Emmerton

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