performance tuning?

Kris Kennaway kris at
Mon Jun 30 14:37:03 PDT 2003

On Mon, Jun 30, 2003 at 03:02:27PM -0400, quadrant wrote:
> Hi all. I have a question about the speed at which my applications are
> running. I have a dual boot Win98 and FreeBSD 4.8-stable (separate hard
> drives). In winblows, my multimedia is great - no hesitations, smooth
> audio and video, etc. But in FreeBSD, any application I run seems
> to go MUCH slower. MP3 audio is slow, and slows even more if I even
> only move my mouse. Video is a waste of time, playing perhaps
> 1/2 the speed that it does in winblows.
> I have:
> Cyrix pentium II (300 MHz)
> 128 MB RAM
> Radeon 7000 (32MB) video card.
> Even if I configure KDE to "run soundserver with realtime priority,"
> this does absolutely nothing. I don't believe X is slowing it down (too much),
> because even in console mode, mpg123 plays mp3 audio just as slow
> as when I'm using X. Even when I kill -9 all background daemons
> (i.e. httpd, smtp, pop3, ssh, telnet...) it still goes this slow. 
> How can I go about performance tuning my apps? Any help would be
> greatly appreciated!

The first step towards tuning your system would be to stop using KDE.
It's pretty slow and uses a lot of resources even on a fast machine.

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