Can the FreeBSD handbook be sold?

Alex de Kruijff freebsd at
Thu Jun 26 03:54:18 PDT 2003

On Thu, Jun 26, 2003 at 11:53:28AM +0200, Miguel Mendez wrote:
> Hi,
> I came across this:
> These guys are selling a pdf version of the handbook for 35 bucks a pop.
> Is that legal? Because, if it is, I'll wget the online doc, pipe it to a
> pdf creator and sell it for $25 ;-P
> I'm just curious about the status of documentation.
> Cheers,
> -- 
>         Miguel Mendez - flynn at
>         EnergyHQ ::
>         Tired of Spam? ->

I beleave the handbook has the same licence as the system, which is BSD.
As long as they don't act against this licence then its legal. And there 
is a lot you are allowed to do.


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