yppasswd NIS problem with Freebsd client and Solaris NIS server

Justin Burdine burdine at oakland.edu
Wed Jun 25 12:10:37 PDT 2003

Dan Nelson wrote:

>What error do you get?  

I get the same error that was mentioned in the posting below.  I get it 
when I run as either root or user.

#yppasswd burdine
Changing NIS password for burdine on zan.
Old Password:
yppasswd: sorry

When I went parusing through the source I found where it is dying, I 

line 153 in /usr/src/usr.bin/passwd/yp_passwd.c

which leads me to believe that it is a crypt problem..?  but I have 
checked all the usual suspects...  /etc/login.conf /etc/auth.conf both 
are using des.

>>I did run across this posting:
>That applies to NIS servers.  Root on an NIS client has no extra privs. 

Justin Burdine

Computer Network Admin.
School of Engineering 
  Computer Science 
 Oakland University

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