good browser and java combo?

sweetleaf sweetleaf at
Fri Jun 20 12:27:46 PDT 2003

I took a look at both your recommendations. The issue i have with both is they require mozilla as they use it for the core rendering code and maybe more. If i had problems with mozilla, i would think i would have the same issues with these two. Is there nothing out there besides opera that does not share netscrape or mozilla code and works with java?

Thanks in ./adv

On Fri, 20 Jun 2003 09:27:09 -0300
"Han Hwei Woo" <hhwoo at> wrote:

> Try galeon or skipstone.
> Han Hwei Woo
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "sweetleaf" <sweetleaf at>
> To: <freebsd-questions at>
> Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 6:01 AM
> Subject: good browser and java combo?
> > I was wondering what browsers and java seem to work the best. I need to do
> online banking and would like to use java applets such as the
> I have tried both mozilla and netscap with suns current
> java-runtime and have found them to be extermetly unreliable. I wanted to
> switch from windows to unix for about 2 yrs but could never find a solution
> to java, and that remains the case after 3 yrs. Why is good java support in
> browsers so difficult in unnix, seeing  how java started its life in the
> unix community. I cat believe windows and internet explorer is actually
> better at java then unix.
> >
> > Any good lightweight browsers other than netscape, mozilla or opera that
> work with java?
> >
> > Thanks in ./adv
> >
> >
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