Lowell Gilbert freebsd-questions-local at be-well.no-ip.com
Wed Jun 18 20:41:00 PDT 2003

Peter Leftwich <Hostmaster at Video2Video.Com> writes:

> On Wed, 18 Jun 2003, Gregory Sutter wrote:
> > On 2003-06-18 18:04 -0700, Peter Leftwich <Hostmaster at Video2Video.Com> wrote:
> > > Well I'm sitting here typing "date" over and over but she doesn't appear. :)
> *lament*  None of my fellow nerds have quite the sense of humour I expected!

I suspect it's actually *you* who has less than the sense of humour
you expected.  Also, please remember that English is not the native
tongue of many people here...

> > I'd also like to help you find things on your system more easily.
> > I suspect you don't know about the 'apropos' command (aka 'man -k'),
> > which shows you short descriptions of system commands relevant to
> > keywords you give it.  In your example, 'apropos timezone' includes
> > the correct results.  Apropos isn't the greatest search tool ever
> > but it usually gives you what you need if you search for the base(s)
> > of your search needs.  'apropos zone' shows a small (usable) list,
> > and even 'apropos time' works if you want to sort through a bunch
> > of results.
> Yeah yeah yeah . . . I gave up after running `man timezone` and being told
> about C functions that parts of the compiled OS use *smiles*

You obviously *didn't* try "apropos timezone".

> Does locate offer real-world "manpage examples" (which are badly-needed)?

No.  However, your patches will probably be enthusiastically accepted.

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