television cable internet service

sweetleaf sweetleaf at
Tue Jun 17 12:41:26 PDT 2003

I am using openbsd on comcast. Like some other, i too had a windows box ready for the technician,with a nic already there, once he was able to get a live connection and left i just switched to my openbsd/pf router. There is some stuff you need to do, such as punching a hole through your filter to allow the router itsealf to broadcast bootp request and accept  them from the comcast dhcp server. Change your /etc/resolv.conf to include the comcast dns server or other internet root servers. set the nic going to the cable modem to use dhcp. 

good luck.

On Tue, 17 Jun 2003 10:58:18 -0700
"Derrick Ryalls" <ryallsd at> wrote:

> > Greetings fellow B.S.D. enthusiasts.   Recently, I requested 
> > installation
> > of a television cable at my home in Sacramento, California.  
> > The cable operator is Comcast.  I requested connection of the 
> > television cable to my computer, which is a service that the 
> > operator advertises profusely.  The telephone sales 
> > representative assured me that all things are possible, 
> > including both a Unix operating system, and an in-house 
> > L.A.N.  The installation technician spent some time 
> > installing the cable, then attached it through a Motorola 
> > DOCSYS modem to the NIC board on the computer.  The computer 
> > saw the cable network, but the cable refused to accept a 
> To make life easy, I had a windows box laying around for the technician
> to verify a live line with.  Once it was live and he was gone, I
> switched to using a BSD router on the connection.
> > logon request from the computer.  The technician said that he 
> > believed that neither B.S.D. nor any other Unix, nor any 
> > Microsoft product that could be programmed to act as a server 
> > was acceptable.  Has any other person had the same problem?  
> Yeah, they are paranoid about servers, but never do anything about them
> until it starts to cost them money.  If they were really strict on the
> no servers policy, they would be able to allow any windows box to
> connect to their network.
> > How did you solve it?  If I insist on a B.S.D. connection, 
> > how do I locate a B.S.D. friendly internet service provider 
> > in Sacramento? If I insist on B.S.D., am I confined to a 56 
> > kb Hayes-type telephone modem? Any comments or advice is 
> > appreciated.  Lee_Shackelford at
> > 
> BSD should work fine with Comcast.  I am not sure how comcast in your
> area differs from the seattle area, but they should all be BSD friendly.
> The big trouble is that initial service with cable/dsl is rather flaky.
> It usually takes the ISP a month or so to figure out how a network is to
> be expanded or something.
> In any case, step 1 is to verify connection.  Try going to this website:
>  which is commonly cable modem's ips.
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