5.1 on a 386
Bill Moran
wmoran at potentialtech.com
Thu Jun 12 12:42:59 PDT 2003
Thomas T. Veldhouse wrote:
> I could be wrong, but I thought that they finally gave up on 386 support and
> now the base minimum is 486. It could very well be that you can't compile
> the system for a 386 without significant modification.
If this is the case, then the hardware notes need updated, I quote:
"All Intel processors beginning with the 80386 are supported, including the
80386, ..."
... and ...
"While technically supported, the use of the 80386SX is specifically not
That last sentence is slightly vague. I assume that they recommend against
the 386 simply because it's not powerful enough to be worthwhile, but it
doesn't say specifically why.
> Tom Veldhouse
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "John Nielsen" <john at jnielsen.net>
> To: <questions at freebsd.org>
> Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 2:25 PM
> Subject: 5.1 on a 386
>>Hi folks-
>>I am setting up FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE on a 386DX. I'm mostly doing it as a
>>learning exercise (or perhaps because I'm a masochist), but the machine
> may
>>be used as a firewall at some point. I have the OS installed with a
> custom
>>kernel, and things are actually going quite well.
>>There are (of course) some problems though. Most of the userland
> utilities
>>work great, but some just dump core. The one I miss in particular is
> groff
>>(for manpages, etc). I suspect that the problems are a result of CPU
>>instructions that the poor 386 doesn't understand.
>>I do have a separate build machine (soon to be running 5.1 as well), so
> I'd
>>like to recompile everything (kernel, userland, and
>>ports-to-be-made-into-packages) for the 386 with the appropriate flags to
>>gcc and friends. Hopefully that will take care of the issues I'm seeing.
>>So my question is, what flags should I use and where should I put them?
> I'd
>>like to be able to switch easily between builds for the 386 and "normal"
>>builds (for everything else). Can I just put an override in
> /etc/make.conf
>>or do I have to futz with /usr/share/mk/bsd.cpu.mk? (In the case of the
>>latter, detailed hints would be appreciated.. I don't grok Make all that
>>well yet.)
Bill Moran
Potential Technologies
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