mplayer and subtitles..

Dick Hoogendijk dick at
Wed Jun 11 04:51:17 PDT 2003

Under windows I normally use bsplayer which automatically loads the
subtitles for a given movie. Mplayer does the same luckely, BUT..

Bsplayer shows the subtitles *very-neatly* _under_ the (widescreen)
movie, without taking up space on the moviescreen itself.. This is a
very nice property imho.

** My question is: can this be done with mplayer (gmplayer) as well?

Right now I get the subtitles over the movie.. Not nice at all.
I know, I can switch them off, but sometimes it's just very relaxed not
to listen to a "foreign" language to "hear/know" what's going on ;-))

dick -- -- PGP/GnuPG key: F86289CE
++ Running FreeBSD 4.8 ++ Debian GNU/Linux (Woody)

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