CVS Update

Joe Pokupec joepok at
Tue Jun 10 21:46:20 PDT 2003

Thanks Lowell,

Cvsup looks like the thing that I need. I followed the directions in the
Handbook. I receive the following error:

fileserver# cvsup -g -L2 /root/standard-supfile
Parsing supfile "/root/standard-supfile"
Release not specified for collection "14:08:16"

Any ideas?



> If you don't already have the cvs repository on your machine, you
> would be better off using cvsup instead of using cvs directly.
> Please see the handbook discussion:

>> Joe Pokupec <joepok at> writes:
>> I've been using FreeBSD 4.7 for about 6 months now. I've failed to
>> understand how to use cvs. Can anyone point me to a web page or other
>> explanation to use cvs to update:
>> 1) The entire ports collection
>> 2) My currently installed ffmpeg
>> 3) 4.7 to 4.8
>> Attempts to use cvs update yield the following:
>> # cvs update ffmpeg
>> cvs update: No CVSROOT specified!  Please use the `-d' option
>> cvs [update aborted]: or set the CVSROOT environment variable.
>> OK, how the heck does one specify the CVSROOT variable?
>> I know that man cvs should be helpful, but my predominantly Mac background
>> has lobotomized the logical lobe in my brain.

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