make runs wild

george donnelly list at
Sat Jun 7 18:28:34 PDT 2003

[Kent Stewart wrote (kstewart at on 6/7/03 8:21 PM]

> Well, if it is trying to install qt-2, you are massively out of date. Qt-2 was
> required by kde-2.x and it has been obsoleted and deleted.. You have a major
> update in front of you to qet curent with the ports.

i mentioned GD2 and xpdf, not qt or kde, not sure why you think i am tryiing
to install them or why you think i am out of date. i'm running freebsd 4.7
and its not more than 4-5 months "out-of-date"

> If you still have kde-2 installed, your are probably better off deleting
> everything involving kde and starting from scratch. You need to run
> pkg-version -c or portversion -c and see what is out of date. If it involves
> XFree86-3.x, the easy way is to pkg_delete all of the XFree86 dependent ports
> and start from scratch. The problems you will encountered are covered in the
> archives.
> You also have to remake the index files every time you cvsup ports-all. INDEX
> is 3 weeks old and what I do is "make index" and "portsdb -u" every time I
> cvsup ports-all. If you have refuses, you can not do a make index at some
> point.

thanks for your help, but i think we have miscommunicated

george donnelly - - "We Love Newbies" :)
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