Problem with periodically done scripts

Peter Rosa prosa at
Fri Jul 25 04:51:14 PDT 2003

Hello everybody,

is there really no one who knows answer for my question posted on July 24 ?

Please help me, if you know.

Peter Rosa

----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Rosa" <prosa at>
To: <freebsd-questions at>
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 7:46 AM
Subject: System hack ?!

> Greetings to every FreeBSD fan.
> Is anybody out there who can help me with this problem ?
> I have FreeBSD 4.3 acting as a gateway to I-net and mailserver. In
/etc/periodic are standard scripts, which send statistics to roots's mail
every morning. Dated from April 24, 2003, 04:03 AM (standard time, when
these scripts are running) there ara comming lines as follows:
> Checking for passwordless accounts:
> [: 0: unexpected operator
> The bad one is only the second line (unexpected operator), because till
April 19 all worked well.
> Can you tell me, why it started from April 20, and what goes wrong ? I
think, it is an error of awk or sed, but I checked their access/modified
dates, and they seem to be the same as the rest of system. I think the hack
is probably not the problem (?!?!?!). May be it is some automated
actualisation, but I should know about it, don't I ?
> Please help if you can.
> Peter Rosa
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