4.8 install issues with Neatgear FA310TX NIC

Mark Terribile materribile at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 30 11:09:13 PDT 2003

Matt Bjornson <matt at techiesalumni.com> writes:

> I downloaded and burned the two ISO for 4.8.  ....
> The NIC is not being recognized however, it is a
> Netgear FA310TX. ... The kernel is not recognizing
> and NIC driver... I tried to manually select each
> Network driver in UserConfig with no success when
> I select AT&T Starlan 10 and EN100, 3c507, NI5210
> I get a  conflict with the PC-card controller
> this is not a laptop ... The light on my router/hub
> is green so the cable is good... 

Ouch! This sounds like a problem I had with an
motherboard (or is `mainboard' the trendy term?). 
was costly; when FreeBSD 4.6 attempted to initialize
one of the NICs, it apparently wiped the field-
upgradable BIOS, destroying the board.  It wouldn't
even POST.  I went through two of them (one at a
vendor's expense, save shipping).  I finally switched
to a more expensive Gigabit/Intel board.  I believe
the ABit board (a KD7 with GigE) had an Intel NIC,
so it appears that something else, perhaps peculiar
to the mobo or its maker, is being mistaken for a NIC.

You can find the report in the FreeBSD bugs archive
by searching for ``terribile'', all fields.

                                  Mark Terribile

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