Using bc in bash script
Charles Howse
chowse at
Thu Aug 14 10:12:05 PDT 2003
> Charles,
> This will set bc precision to 5 decimal places:
> et=`echo "scale=5 ; $end_time - $start_time" | bc`
Ohhh, I was really hoping on that one...but no, it still reports 0
Maybe there's something in the script itself that's messing this up.
Here is the entire script:
# Daily Report
# Declare variables
start_time=`date +%s`
time1=`date +%R`
month=`date +%b`
day=`date +%e`
# Cleanup files
if [ -a /root/daily.log ] ; then
rm /root/daily.log
# Main report header
echo "Daily Report for Larry for" `date '+%A, %B %d %Y'`"." >>
echo "********************************************" >> /root/daily.log
echo >> /root/daily.log
# OS header
echo "Current Operating System" >> /root/daily.log
echo "********************************************" >> /root/daily.log
uname -sr >> /root/daily.log
echo >> /root/daily.log
# Uptime Header
echo "Uptime" >> /root/daily.log
echo "********************************************" >> /root/daily.log
uptime >> /root/daily.log
echo >> /root/daily.log
# Crontab Header
echo "Cron Jobs" >> /root/daily.log
echo "********************************************" >> /root/daily.log
crontab -l >> /root/daily.log
echo >> /root/daily.log
# Last Header
echo "Logins today" >> /root/daily.log
echo "********************************************" >> /root/daily.log
last | grep "$month $day" >> /root/daily.log
echo >> /root/daily.log
# Superuser Header
echo "Accounts with uid = 0 (Superusers)" >> /root/daily.log
echo "********************************************" >> /root/daily.log
awk -F: '( $3 == 0 ) { print $1 }' /etc/passwd >> /root/daily.log
echo >> /root/daily.log
# /etc/passwd Header
echo "Accounts that have a valid shell" >> /root/daily.log
echo "********************************************" >> /root/daily.log
cat /etc/passwd | egrep -v "("nologin"|"uucico"|"\#")" >>
echo >> /root/daily.log
# DF Header
echo "Disk Free space" >> /root/daily.log
echo "********************************************" >> /root/daily.log
df -h >> /root/daily.log
echo >> /root/daily.log
# netstat Header
echo "Netstat -an results" >> /root/daily.log
echo "********************************************" >> /root/daily.log
netstat -an >> /root/daily.log
echo >> /root/daily.log
# ifconfig
echo "Status of network interfaces" >> /root/daily.log
echo "********************************************" >> /root/daily.log
ifconfig >> /root/daily.log
echo >> /root/daily.log
# Compute the elapsed time
echo "Elapsed Time" >> /root/daily.log
echo "********************************************" >> /root/daily.log
echo "Report completed at:" `date +%R` >> /root/daily.log
echo " Report begun at:" $time1 >> /root/daily.log
end_time=`date +%s`
et=`echo "scale=5 ; $end_time - $start_time" | bc`
echo " Elapsed Time: " $et "seconds" >> /root/daily.log
echo >> /root/daily.log
# File Modification Date
echo "Last modified" >> /root/daily.log
echo "********************************************" >> /root/daily.log
ls -l /root/bin/daily_report | cut -d" " -f9,10,11 >> /root/daily.log
# Mail to Charles
cat /root/daily.log | mail -s "Daily Report from Larry" charles
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