How to connect laptop and desktop w/NICs

Matthew Seaman m.seaman at
Sun Apr 13 06:30:59 PDT 2003

On Sun, Apr 13, 2003 at 01:13:55PM +0100, Jonathon McKitrick wrote:
> So far, so good.  I can ping each machine from the other, and reset these
> settings on startup.
> However, the laptop (which I decided to make a client of the desktop, now
> that I have a modem for the desktop) cannot ping past the gateway.  I have
> the default router set to the desktop, but something else must be wrong.
> Do I need to have inetd or natd running explicitly for this to work?

You don't need inetd(8) --- that's a completely different beast

As for natd(8) --- you need some sort of NAT capability, assuming you
don't have an internet netblock assigned to you.  However, ppp(8) has
a built in NAT capability, which is actually exactly the same code as
used in natd(8) --- see libalias(3). Try putting:

    nat enable yes

into your /etc/ppp/ppp.conf, or use '-nat' on the ppp command line.
That should let you send packets from your laptop via your desktop out
to the internet.  See ppp(8) for a host of other NAT related options
available in ppp(8).



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
PGP:         Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614                                  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK
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