MySQL Problem

Konrad Scorciapino fallenbr at
Tue Apr 1 11:48:57 PST 2003


I had MySQL working perfectly yesterday, but when I logged on today and tried 
to use it, it just didn't worked. I tried to find it with `ps waux | grep 
mysqld`, but got nothing. 

Then I tried to start it manually:

konrad at localhost /home/konrad # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start
 mysqldkonrad at localhost /home/konrad #

But the server didn't really started, so again I got nothing from `ps waux | 
grep mysqld`. I also tried to stop it:

konrad at localhost /home/konrad # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ stop
mysql-server isn't running
konrad at localhost /home/konrad #

What could be wrong? Thank you!

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