Call for testers: sendmail update in RELENG_4

Mike Tancsa mike at
Wed Sep 24 03:46:25 PDT 2003

Hi, I will be happy to test the patch on one of my busier mail 
routers.  But I guess the question is, why not MFC 8.12.10 as it too like 
this patch needs to be tested in RELENG_4.  So why not test the whole 
thing?  I am sure you made this argument, but I will vote for it as well 
just the same :-)


At 01:48 AM 24/09/2003, Gregory Neil Shapiro wrote:
>The release engineers have asked me to put together a patch for RELENG_4
>that captures the most important security checks added to 8.12.10.
>Given the closeness of the 4.9 release, there wouldn't be enough time to
>test a complete MFC of 8.12.10.  If you have some time during the day
>Wednesday, please test the patch at:
>Unfortunately, I won't be able to accommodate requests to add other
>changes that people want from 8.12.10.  The full 8.12.10 MFC will happen
>after the RELENG_4 code freeze is lifted.
>If no problems are found, the patch will be committed Wednesday evening.
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