security/py-pycryptodome: Soft dependency on devel/py-cffi

John W. O'Brien john at
Tue Jul 28 23:12:52 UTC 2020

On 2020/07/27 23:11, Kubilay Kocak wrote:
> On 28/07/2020 12:29 pm, John W. O'Brien wrote:
>> On 2020/07/27 22:08, Kubilay Kocak wrote:
>>> On 28/07/2020 5:43 am, John W. O'Brien wrote:
>>>> Greetings FreeBSD Python,
>>>> I have been mulling over a thing and would like the list's perspective
>>>> before I decide whether to take action or not.
>>>> security/py-pycryptodome will use devel/py-cffi if it is available [0]
>>>> or ctypes otherwise [1]. This makes me just a little bit uneasy
>>>> since it
>>>> leaves the door open to certain Heisenbugs and red herrings. My
>>>> question
>>>> is whether it warrants adding devel/py-cffi to RUN_DEPENDS to ensure
>>>> consistency behavior? If not, what about as an OPTION for those who
>>>> care
>>>> about that sort of thing?
>>>> [0]
>>>> [1]
>>>> [2]
>>> The Python Policy section on optional dependencies should cover this:
>>> tldr;
>>> For either at build or run-time optional dependencies (where the pattern
>>> is, check if dep exists, use some code path if true, else use another
>>> code path), add OPTIONS for them.
>> OK, so something like this?
>> CFFI_DESC=Use devel/py-cffi for low-level API instead of ctypes
> That's fine. If the option is related to performance, id clarify that in
> the description.
>>> Re heisenbugs/etc, this is where support for running test suites in the
>>> port are critical, let us know in #freebsd-python on freenode IRC if you
>>> need help getting these hooked up
>> I've been looking forward to the day when [3] lands. Is there some other
>> way to run the test target in a poudriere build?
> Yes, that would be nice. The other way is to testport -i to enter the
> jail, at which point you can run `make test` from the port dir

Is there any trick to ensuring that the TEST_DEPENDS have already been
built, or are already installed in the jail, by that point?

>> Of course, running test suites in the build environment wouldn't uncover
>> bugs that are triggered by something that just happens to show up in the
>> runtime environment. Enabling the OPTIONal things by default would
>> clearly help.
> The same as ports defaulting OPTIONS to enabled to benefit package
> users, python's optional dependency policy is to do the same, such that
> the default port options are the ones that are tested.
> Maintainers can and should do more comprehensive testing by testing
> various combinations of PTIONS
>> [3]

John W. O'Brien
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