Port request of a pypi package

Éloi Rivard azmeuk at gmail.com
Mon Apr 22 09:41:46 UTC 2019

Thank you for the package, and thank you for your proposing help.
I would like to focus on only one task at a time, so right now I will 
stick to sourcehut. But when this is done I might consider give a hand 
with package maintenance.


Le sam. 20 avril 2019 à 8:17, Kubilay Kocak <koobs at FreeBSD.org> a 
écrit :
> On 20/04/2019 3:39 pm, Kubilay Kocak wrote:
>> On 20/04/2019 1:36 am, Éloi Rivard wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am not sure how the FreeBSD community works, and especially the 
>>> python
>>> packagers team, so if asking for package is not something one 
>>> usually does, or
>>> if the python team has enough work to do, I will totally 
>>> understand. I was
>>> thinking that maybe you had some automated tools to create python 
>>> package from
>>> pypi, and that would not require a lot of work.
>>> So, I was playing with sourcehut ( https://sr.ht <https://sr.ht/> ) 
>>> and thinking about helping
>>> the upstream to create a FreeBSD package. Sourcehut needs the pypi 
>>> sshpubkeys
>>> package to work ( <https://pypi.org/project/sshpubkeys/> ).
>>> Is it something easilly done?
>>> Thank you
>> Hi! Thanks for reaching out
>> There's no perfectly automated tool, but there is pytoport:
>> <https://github.com/freebsd/pytoport>
>> Porting is relatively easy, without automated tools, depending of 
>> course on individual packaging complexity, like dependencies, etc.
>> If upstream follows standard python packaging standards well, its 
>> much easier.
>> Jump on #freebsd-python on freenode IRC and we can discuss if 
>> further there, my nickname is koobs
> Éloi,
> I've created a py-sshpubkeys port for you that I'm QA testing now. It 
> requires the security/py-ecdsa port being updated to its latest 
> version (0.13.2), which needs to be approved by the maintainer before 
> the sshpubkeys port can land.
> Would you like to be maintainer of security/py-sshpubkeys? I'm happy 
> to help familiarise you with porting and help you get ramped up.
> Same offer is open to anyone else who'd like to get more involved 
> with Python package (or anything else) porting. /join #freebsd-ports 
> freenode
> ./koobs

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